
Give a helping hand for poor people

Shyama Devi dasi from russia ISKCON Mandir Vrindavan Make yourself healthy by sacrificing a cigarette in the education mission and provide education to the needy children of the country

Basic Education Department Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Relief Fund 01 day The salary amount was Cr 761,455,537 Today, the children of poor farmers and poor laborers are most in need ...

Name durga devi Age 76 We are poor farmers, but we do not want our children to become farmers too. The life of a farmer is very harsh, not easy; Taking care of crops in the sun, rain, winter and we are unable to keep our children, we feed the country. Ca

  हम तो गरीब किसान है लेकिन हम नहीं चाहते कि हमारे बच्चे भी किसान बने किसान का जीवन बहुत कठोर होता है सरल नहीं धूप ,बारिश ,सर्दी में फसलों का ध्यान रखते है और अपने बच्चो का नहीं रख प...